Jul 1, 2008

Stash This!

[originally posted July 1, 2008 on my old blog vicjorob.spaces.live.com]

Ok, I readily admit that I am a clutter-holic. I keep most everything, even empty boxes stuff came in from Amazon (I know I will use them, I just don't know when). It's a trait I inherited honestly from my parents. When it comes to yarn I'm no slouch there either.

A couple of months ago, I joined the Ravelry community. Great site! I entered projects, visited forums, joined a couple of groups, and then I saw it -- the STASH. I thought, what a perfect opportunity to catalog my 120 or so skeins of yarn currently housed in four bins. I needed to get reacquainted with my yarn, some of which had been separated into bags just waiting for the perfect patern to come along. So, with a little bit of glee -- I can get a bit giddy when I finally get around to organinizing things -- I was ready to see what I had stashed away. I knew this needed to be done before I purchased any new yarn. I had even avoided going to my favorite yarn store's annual summer sale because I never can leave without purchasing at least one skein.

So, I organized the heck out of my yarn -- all the cottons together in those zip up plastic bags that sheets and curtains come in. My Mohair went into a comforter bag (I had more than I thought). The fun fur lying untouched for five years found its way into a smaller bag (it's still untouched) Ravelry's Stash asks for the number of skeins for each type, color, and size of yarn. This stash can be linked to projects where you can indicate whether you purchased more yarn or used your stash. Howver, I'm not sure if I want to know that I added to my stash. As with most yarn lovers, we have become very adept at hiding yarn purchases from ourselves.

What was my bottom line? 235 skeins of yarn -- make that 238 skeins. I just bought 3 skeins to finish up the romper I am making for my cousin's future grandson.

1 comment:

L said...

Hey, I loved your descriptions of your stash. You have outstashed me. Now I'm going to have to go count all the skeins in my closet. Problem is most are the 6 or 7 ounce variety and it takes forever to use them up. Oh well, I'll never run out of yarn since I keep buying more to get just the right color or texture for whatever it is I'm making. Love your new site!! Linda