Jun 27, 2009

Should you choose to accept this mission . . .

A fellow yarnie tagged me with a new mission: find the sixth photo in my sixth photo folder and write about it. Sounds simple enough but then I got to thinking (always a dangerous thing my friend Lisa always says because I say that about her): do I have six folders in My Pictures folder? Do I have even six photos in that folder? Worse yet, what if the photo is stupid, embarrassing, or just plain crass? So, with some trepidation, I embarked upon my mission impossible.

How fortuitous that my sixth-sixth is one of my favorite pics. Here is 4-1-1:

My father, the curmudgeon (I'm being nice), was visiting from Utah and had taken the girls and I out to dinner. My father -- Uncle Earl to a slew of nieces and nephews, and Paw Paw to his grandchildren -- likes to push the parental envelope by teaching his grandchildren and nieces and nephews silly things -- like how to cuss or by telling them slightly inappropriate stories. On this day, Lariat had just gotten braces and was actually quite excited and proud. She looked good in them too, despite the fake tattoo on her cheek. As usual, as we were sitting waiting to order, Paw Paw was regaling his granddaughters with some nonsense or another. I was happily snapping photos with my new phone. I don't remember what story my father was telling but was fortunate to snap this pic just as Lariat registered her reaction with a very vocal "Ewwww."

Now, my father is not the only one who borders on the silly in an effort to entertain. Lariat thought to liven things up by sticking crayons up her nose and exclaiming, "Look at me! I am a walrus!" Go figure the mind of a 13-year old.

The evening ended on a good note. The food was good, and there weren't any arguments. Of all the ones taken that evening, I like this photo best.

Now that I have told you about that photo, I must explain the rules for the five people for whom I have selected to take up this mission.

Linda's Yarn Closet
Wannabe Domestic Goddess
Knit One, Purr Two
Unraveling Sophia

1) Go to your photo folders
2) Select the sixth file folder
3) Open it and select the sixth photo in that file folder
4) Write a story for that picture, post it and
5) Select five bloggy friends to tag
6) Be sure to let them know they've been tagged

Good luck if you choose to accept this mission. This blog post will not self-destruct after 10 seconds. It's on the Internet, so it is forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! Where in Utah does your father live?